I was looking at my blog this morning and noticed the label cloud at the sidebar. It was no surprise that the 3M (Mind, Money, Method) are ones of the popular labels read. What surprised me is that the cloud size of Method is bigger that Mind and Money.
One certain thing is that the label Method is the most popular label in the blog, but does it necessary the most important aspects of the 3M?
People may have different opinions about this. Though all three aspects are important and I have written so many articles about 3M in this blog, one aspect should be prioritized among others.
To me, the Money aspect is the easiest to take care (though the accumulating money part is not easy at all). Understand the theory of positing sizing, and follow the concept with discipline. Mind is the hardest really, while for new traders Method is the most exciting.
I used to spend hours in a day just to find all sort of combination of technical analysis to find the Holy Grails. I tried to find the best Method, spending most of my energy and time to Method, ignoring Mind and Money. However, as I learn from Mr Market along the way, I have done it the wrong way. The 80/20 rules apply here.
MIND comes first. METHOD last.
What is your sequence?
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